Test the BP implementation against the skbio.TreeNode
using real world trees provided by Greengenes 13_8. The following conditions are checked:
is reproduced minimally for unifrac
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%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from bp import parse_newick, to_skbio_treenode, to_skbio_treearray
from skbio import TreeNode
import numpy as np
import glob
from random import shuffle
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def _correct_gg_reroot_length_issue(t):
# the greengenes trees on reroot had a node with a length set to None
# find and correct if it exists
gg_reroot_none_node = t.find('k__Bacteria')
gg_reroot_none_node.length = 0.0
return t
def preorder_names(fp):
"""Find any preorder node name inconsistencies as a proxy for topology testing"""
skt = _correct_gg_reroot_length_issue(TreeNode.read(fp))
bpt = parse_newick(open(fp).read())
for sk_node, k in zip(skt.preorder(include_self=True), range(bpt.B.sum())):
bp_idx = bpt.preorderselect(k)
if (sk_node.name != bpt.name(bp_idx)) or (sk_node.length != bpt.length(bp_idx)):
# bpt right now uses 0.0 for root length
if sk_node.is_root() and bp_idx == bpt.root():
return sk_node, bp_idx
return None, None
def newick_comparison(fp):
"""Verify newick output is consistent
Note: the BP tree is converted to TreeNode
tn = str(_correct_gg_reroot_length_issue(TreeNode.read(fp)))
bp = str(to_skbio_treenode(parse_newick(open(fp).read())))
for i in range(len(tn)):
if tn[i] != bp[i]:
return (tn[i-25:i+25], bp[i-25:i+25])
return None, None
def check_to_array(fp):
skt = _correct_gg_reroot_length_issue(TreeNode.read(fp)).to_array(nan_length_value=0.0)
bpt = to_skbio_treearray(parse_newick(open(fp).read()))
if list(skt['id_index'].keys()) != list(bpt['id_index'].keys()):
return 'id_index keys are not equal'
for k in skt['id_index']:
if skt['id_index'][k].is_tip() != bpt['id_index'][k].is_tip():
return "id index tip identification is not equal"
if not np.allclose(skt['child_index'], bpt['child_index']):
return 'child_index is not equal'
if not np.allclose(skt['length'], bpt['length']):
return 'length is not equal'
return None
def check_shear(fp):
"""Verify a random shear/collapse is comparable
Note: skbio.TreeNode can alter the order of children in the tree. This does not
represent a change in topology. Because of this, we are testing node subsets
which are invariant to child order.
skt = _correct_gg_reroot_length_issue(TreeNode.read(fp))
bpt = parse_newick(open(fp).read())
# determine which tips to keep
names = [n.name for n in skt.tips()]
to_keep = int(np.ceil(len(names) * 0.1))
names_to_keep = set(names[:to_keep])
# shear the treenode
skt_shear = skt.shear(names_to_keep)
bpt_shear = bpt.shear(names_to_keep).collapse()
res = skt_shear.subsets() == to_skbio_treenode(bpt_shear).subsets()
if res:
return None
return "shear/collapse is not equivalent"
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problems = {}
for f in glob.glob('../../../greengenes_release/gg_13_8_otus/trees/*_otus.tree'):
obs = {}
key = f.rsplit('/')[-1]
obs['preorder_names'] = preorder_names(f)
obs['newick_comparison'] = newick_comparison(f)
obs['check_to_array'] = check_to_array(f)
obs['shear/collapse'] = check_shear(f)
problems[key] = obs
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